The Sparkle This Blog asks, "What's the sparkle that makes a manuscript publishable while another languishes in the slush pile for months on end only to receive a rejection?"
Today, instead of posting an article about writing, I'm asking the question.
What makes a story sparkle for you?
What books are 'keepers'? Tell me why they are your favorites.

I think what makes a book Sparkle is very subjective. One man’s pleasure is another man’s poison, and all that jazz. But when I look more closely at my favorites, the main thing they have in common is they all delve into the human condition. More often than not, Good conquers Evil and Love prevails in the end. Even better is when it challenges the notion of what is good and what is evil – where the line blurs between love and hate.
I’ve read tons of books that have been labeled “Best Sellers” or “Classics”. Only a select few of them have won me over to a second reading. Fewer still have begged to be read a third time. The great thing is that a book doesn’t have to be a philosophical treatise or a literary work of art. It just has to be entertaining. When you’re reading a good book you’re not aware of the mechanics of reading. You’re one of the characters.
Jennifer, for you the book theme make your reading enjoyable but the characters make the story come alive and sparkle.
I like the point about not being aware of the mechanics of reading. I have many books that editors, agents and other authors gush over - and I think they are just okay. When asked why I said that the writing seemed mechanical.
For me, when the author can paint a picture with words and the imagery makes me pause and catch my breath--that's a memorable author.
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