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Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Sparkle in What I'm Reading

I'm reading Oblivion by Peter Abrahams. An online review of the book said "Great idea, pedestrian execution". Oh, so wrong. Abrahams takes a private detective/missing person case and adds what could have been a cliche' of brain cancer and memory loss. Instead the amnesia scenario is written with exemplary execution. As a crime novel it is an enjoyable read. Why I'm drawn to the book is the authors development of the character. Abrahams deftly examines the characters psyche and evokes sadness in the reader. Simple phrases: "...getting stronger all the time, nothing to worry about..." Oh to put words on the page stark and spare and captivate the reader. That is what sparkle is about.


L.A. Mitchell said...

I'm so glad you're reading him!! He's my favorite contemporary author. I love all his books, but I really related to End of Story, as a writer and a girl who taught literacy classes to a few prison groups in college.

Andrea Geist said...

I'll have to read the book now. Thanks for the recommendation. You have the sparkle. Your writing is stark and capitvating, every word a path to discovery.

Barrie said...

Thanks for the recommendation. I was considering that book. Now, I'll just pick up a copy and read it. :)