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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Words - thought for today

If we take words and catch phrases out of our common history - what would they mean?
Today's example:
captivated by famous people or by fame itself.
[Origin: 1960–65] Unabridged (v 1.1)Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006

New Definition from the Andrea's Brain and Strange Thought Processes Dictionary:
Struck by a star or star-struck.
verb - to strike with a star

noun - one who is struck by a star
Those individuals who are star-struck:
1. have a heck of a lawsuit (especially if the star struck when camera's were around)
2. stand to make some money selling the story
3. being punched, shot or run over with a car or horse by a sheriff - archaic
4. are dead.

"John walked through the cornfield and was star struck. Since nothing remains to be buried, a memorial service will be held Wednesday."

Disclaimer. Andrea's Brain and related thought processes cannot be reproduced or copied unless this is the sci-fi future or a William Gibson novel.


K.M. Saint James said...

OMG, you are too funny.

What a great word to bring to the 'now' generation.

And okay, I won't steal it (even though your revelation makes it terribly tempting)!

I love your sense of humor.

L.A. Mitchell said...

Can I look up a word in the Andrea dictionary?:)