Today is my turn at selfish self-promotion.
This Saturday, August 25th, 2007, from 2:00 until 4:00pm, I will be signing copies of my romantic suspense, HARM'S WAY, at the Barnes & Noble, located at 8525 Airport Freeway, N. Richland Hills, TX 76180. If you're familiar with the area, it's near NE Mall. You're all invited. Feel free to drop by for chocolate and a chance to win a nifty 'Be Good To Yourself' basket.
Here's an excerpt from HARM'S WAY:
Alex Harmon looked down at her, his gaze held at bay by mirrored sunglass. His fingers tightened their grip. “You’re trembling.”
“I was being silly.” Victoria tried to shrug and hold onto her smile, but it must have slipped. His entire body seemed to go on alert. She’d never felt this kind of tension roll from one person. It washed over her, past her almost as though he surrounded her with his strength. The tug was gentle, but he drew her closer as his gaze lifted above her head.
“What are you being silly about?” With his free hand, he reached beyond her to flip the garage light switch. The room remained suspiciously dark.
“I smelled ...” It sounded ridiculous to even repeat, but the scent didn’t belong in her garage. “I smelled a lemon cleaner.”
“And you don’t use one?” He was listening to her, hanging on every word.
“I don’t get a lot of cleaning done in the garage.”
“The smell is out of place?”
“I told you it was silly.”
His glance dropped to her face, and then quickly rose to scan the enclosed area. “When did the light work last?”
“I’m not sure. Depending on how late I leave the office, I park by the front porch.” She took a side step to ease out of his way.
The grip on her elbow crushed the fabric of her blouse and stilled her movement. “Don’t do that.”
Then she was certain. His stance wasn’t to keep her blocked in, but to keep the rest of the world, whoever that might be, blocked away from her.
What one reviewer said about HARM'S WAY:
HARM'S WAY is filled with suspense. With the end of every chapter comes the overwhelming desire to keep turning. . . . HARM'S WAY reminded this reader of Nora Robert's suspense books. It was so good, I had a hard time putting it down. . . .
Reviewed by: Judy Thomas, of THE LONG AND SHORT OF IT!
For the entire review, go to: The Long and Short of It!
To see more reviews, go to:
Lone Star Meanderings
Happy Reading
~ Sandra
You have written a great book. We are very proud of you!
SOLD OUT! I'll be back at the B&N on September 6th at 7:30 p.m. to buy mine. You rock!
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