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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Why this is short - Character Names.

I had planned to post about creating a great logline - best laid plans, etc. But I have a wonderful reason for altering my plan. I found a special needs puppy to care for and love. I haven't found his name yet.
So on the topic of naming and a perfect follow up to L.A.'s post on Standing Out In a Crowd-Characternyms, I have a blurb from my website about character names.

I enjoy etymology. As a writer the meaning and history behind a word can add richness and depth and heck it's just plain interesting.

My character in the short story Dreams of Summer is named Rayna Engel. If you know any German, Engel is easy = Angel. The origin and meaning of Rayna is varied. In Latin, from Regina, the name means Queen. In Yiddish the name is similar to Katherine, clean and pure. The website lists the origin as Scandinavian and Israeli meaning: counsel; song.

My heroine sings . She always gets the words wrong (great fun rewriting lyrics) and she is a pure soul. I didn't want to name my character Aria or Carol, too transparent. Rayna is the perfect name.
What examples of character names ring true for you?


Amanda Karlik said...

What a cutie! I'm so glad you found her!

K.M. Saint James said...

Great picture.

Thanks for the website. My baby name book is hopeless outdated. I couldn't even find Ava, which you probably know as it's German.

I'd love to think I put great conviction into my name choice, but truthfully, I don't. They just come from somewhere -- like lottery numbers that pop in my head.

See, you knew all that history would come in handy one day, didn't you?

Sherry A Davis said...

Congratulations :)

Give her a squeeze for me.