Six writers. One blog. And the "dish" de jour.

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Origins of Sparkle . . .

Sparkle This??? What kind of title is Sparkle This? What's it mean?

Well, here's a little history on the blog, if you're the curious sort.

About seven (or so) months ago, we were meandering among the books at a popular chain bookstore near our homes, discussing the offerings on the shelves and the publishing industry in general. At the time, we were all unpubbed. And so it was only natural to pose the question, what do these books have that our manuscripts lack? What's the sparkle that makes a manuscript publishable while another languishes in the slush pile for months on end only to receive a rejection?

We decided some research was in order. So we started having "Sparkle" meetings. Our first assignment was to go through our keeper shelf and decipher the ingredients which made the book stand out, or sparkle.

Our first meeting was a huge success! Seven of us, coming at the subject from a different angle, with seven different projects was amazing. So, we decided we should continue.

Over the months, we've had several "Sparkle" meetings on different topics. Each has driven us to dig deeper into our writer's toolkit in our own endeavors. Our production increased as our knowledge of the intangibles and tangibles grew. So, Shannon suggested we take our sparle online and set up a blog to aid any and all interested in our findings (or the publishing industry in general).

So, now that your curiosity has been sated, what do you think makes a book sparkle?

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