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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Fatal Attraction

Sorry, not at liberty to give out that information, Ma’am,” Mr. Blue Eyes informed me. Just believe you’re not in any danger.”

He grabbed my upper arm and a slight electrical charge traveled up my arm causing me to jerk. He tightened his grip probably assuming I was trying to get away. I looked up and stared in blue turbulent pools. I took a short breath of air. Where had he been all my life?

I quickly turned away from the mesmerizing gaze and looked over my shoulder at the goons invading my space. What the hell was I thinking? Attracted to a thug who had me trapped in a men’s room? Obviously dating too many Beta men like Todd Davis had warped my judgment.

I turned back around. “Not in any danger?” I gave him the stare my students had come to dread when they came in with excuses about why they hadn’t turned in their homework. “And you think I’m going to believe you … why?”

“All right then let me put it another way.” His clinched his jaw his hands still holding onto my upper arms. “You either walk out on your own two feet or I’ll sling you over my shoulder. Either way we’re outa here.”

“I can walk.” I turned to look at the exit. How could I have felt any kind of attraction to this Neanderthal? And where were they taking me?

One of the men moved from behind us, walked to the door, peered outside and nodded once. He exited, held the door and Mr. Blue Eyes pulled me toward the hallway. The other two men quickly followed.

Posted by Delores


Andrea Geist said...

Good follow through!

Mary Karlik said...

wow love where this is going. Hang on!