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Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Action of a Sentence

Natalie Goldberg, in her amazing homage to the craft, Writing Down the Bones, includes a chapter on The Action of a Sentence. In it, she discloses one secret to unearthing strong verbs. Not something a writer should be concerned with while drafting, but in the revision process it helps to have words—especially verbs—pop within the confines of your character’s point of view.

I challenge you today to write two lists. First, write the occupation of the hero in your work in progress, then list fifteen verbs associated with that position. Do the same for your heroine. Post them here; use them in your revisions.

Happy writing!

1 comment:

L.A. Mitchell said...

Since my hero is caught in the void between two "occupations" I split up my words:

Hostage Negotiator:
arrest,negotiate, calculate, manipulate, train, plan, lie

saw, sand, brush, stroke, hammer
smooth, buff


clean, stroke, perform, forget
undress, protect, hide, pretend
paint, worry, feel, escape, touch
powder, brush

Your turn...