In creating the world for my fantasy novel, Residuals: The Mender, I needed some visual clues to help me stay "in the world" of the protagonist. I was inspired by the very real region of Detroit known as Forgotten Detroit.
The owner of the website has taken an inspired photo-catalogue of the changing face of downtown detroit. I also used movie sets from several urban fantasies.
I realized very quickly how important these visual clues were to my creative mind. So when I finished the book, I started researching publishers and book covers. I ran across Juno Books and noticed the great covers! (Hey, let's face it, a book is judged by it's cover.)
The more I saw of Timothy Lantz's work, the more I was inspired by his incredibly artistic eye. He's also illustrated a deck of tarot cards for anyone interested.
So, since I'm completely addicted to this cover artist, I thought I'd pass on his URL. www.stygiandarkness.com.
what an amazing picture! Thanks for sharing.
I love this picture. I remember reading about his art over at your blog. We should all be so lucky to have such phenomenal cover art.
This cover so depicts the epic of your writing. I know why you're drawn to it.
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