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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Part II: Eight Male Archetypes

A brief description of the 8 male archetypes as defined in “Heroes and Heroines: 16 Master Archetypes," by Caro LeFever, Tami Cowden and Sue Viders.

As promised, we have a matching game. Identify which character from film or fiction matches the archetype.
  1. Nick Ziegler in "Crazy for You" by Jennifer Crusie
  2. Ferris Bueller
  3. John McClane in Die Hard
  4. Angel in Buffy TVS
  5. Jack in While you Were Sleeping
  6. Data in Star Trek the Next Generation
  7. Jack in Romancing the Stone
  8. King Arthur

For extra credit, pick a character from film or fiction. What archetype is he? Why?

How about Sawyer acted by Josh Holloway in Lost, Wade acted by Christian Bale in 3:10 to Yuma or George Clooney's character in O' Brother Where Art Thou?


L.A. Mitchell said...

oooh, oooh, oooh
Sawyer is definately a bad boy

My favorite example Tami Cowden used was MacGyver. The perfect blending of two of these archetypes--The Professor and The Warrior. Whacked-out smart, but with a cause. YUM

Mary Karlik said...

well most of those movies I haven't seen. Let's see. John McClainis the bad boy and lost souland swashbuckler, Romancing the Stone ohh, charmer and swashbuckler, that's about it. Hmm does this mean I need to get out more.

Andrea Geist said...

Hey y'all. This is supposed to be fun and interactive. I'll give you a hint:
King Arthur is a Chief
Can you match the rest up?

Unknown said...

Well I’m going to take a stab at this even though I haven’t seen/read all of these. Hopefully the process of elimination will see me through. ;)

Bad Boy - Nick Ziegler
Charmer - Ferris Bueller
Warrior - John McClane
Lost Soul - Angel
Best Friend - Jack in While You Were Sleeping
Professor - Data
Swashbuckler - Jack in Romancing the Stone
Chief - King Arthur (This was a gimme since you told me so today.)

This was fun! How’d I do? Don’t laugh at me, I’m learning. Tee-hee.
Oh and for extra credit I pick Joaquin Phoenix’s character as the young Abbe De Coulmier in the movie Quills. He plays the Lost Soul well.

Andrea Geist said...

Is anyone else going to try?
Jennifer - thank you. I'll tell you how you did in person so everyone else will give it a shot.